If you experience frequent drowsiness.

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Sometimes have to get up and make coffee to fight drowsiness. If you feel drowsy once in a while, it’s understandable. But if you feel drowsy every day, you should check your health . 


Because I can’t sleep, I feel sleepy. Try to observe yourself. Is it because you can’t sleep or sleep very late because you work too hard, have too much work, or are you stressed and can’t sleep? That makes you feel sleepy the next day because you never get enough sleep? If that’s the case, you should relieve stress, reduce working at night, or consult a doctor. สมัคร ufabet

Fatigue/chronic fatigue.

It is a more advanced form of insomnia, which means insomnia for a long period of time. When the body accumulates more and more fatigue, it may also be caused by consuming too much starchy and sugary foods, which results in fatigue, drowsiness, poor memory, headaches, muscle aches, and insomnia. No matter how much you sleep, it is never enough. Working-age people are at the highest risk.


As mentioned earlier, consuming high amounts of starch and sugar can cause drowsiness. In addition to chronic fatigue, it can also be diabetes because the blood contains a high amount of sugar, and drowsiness is one of the first signs that shows or warns the body that it is in a state of high blood sugar, leading to diabetes in the near future.


This is a serious case of drowsiness. It means being very sleepy during the day. But at night, having wide eyes, being unable to sleep or not sleeping well, or having dreams as soon as you get to sleep. Which causes your quality of life to gradually deteriorate. If you are a child, you may be seen as lazy, having slow brain development, or not being a good student. Or if you are an adult, your work efficiency may decrease, or even be dangerous to your life. Such as being drowsy while driving or using machinery. It also affects your mental health. Which can cause you to become irritable and easily irritated from not getting enough rest.